October 19, 2005

Question: Is there a connection between sin and serving self?

Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of Elohim is eternal life through Yahshua Messiah our Master.”

SIN: Ezek. 18:4 “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.”

SELF: 1Corin.15: 31 “I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Yahshua Messiah our Master, I die daily.” Paul is saying he is careful not to serve self in doing his own pleasure.

SIN: 1John 3:4, 8,9, 17,21 “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Elohim was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is born of Elohim doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of Elohim. All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death. Little children, keep yourselves from idols.”
SIN AND SELF: There is an individual work to be done for each one of us. I know there are many who are placing themselves in right relation to Yahshua, whose one thought is to bring the message of present truth before the people of the world. They stand continually ready to offer their services. But my heart aches when I see so many who are satisfied with a cheap experience, an experience that costs them but little. Their lives say that for them Yahshua has died in vain. {9T 103.2}

SELF: If you do not feel that it is an honor to be a partaker of the sufferings of Yahshua; if you feel no burden of soul for those who are ready to perish; if you are unwilling to sacrifice that you may save means for the work that is to be done, there will be no room for you in the kingdom of Elohim. We need to be partakers with Yahshua of His sufferings and self-denial at every step. We need to have the Spirit of Elohim resting upon us, leading us to constant self-sacrifice. {9T 103.3}
SELF: “Will you, my ministering brethren, grasp the rich promises of Elohim? Will you put self out of sight and let Yahshua appear? Self must die before Elohim can work through you. I feel alarmed as I see self-cropping out in one and another here and there. I tell you, in the name of Yahshua of Nazareth, your wills must die; they must become as Elohim’s will. He wants to melt you over and to cleanse you from every defilement. There is a great work to be done for you before you can be filled with the power of Elohim. I beseech you to draw nigh to Him, that you may realize His rich blessing before this meeting closes. {9T 181.2}
SELF: There are those here upon whom great light in warnings and reproofs has shone. Whenever reproofs are given, the enemy seeks to create in those reproved a desire for human sympathy. Therefore I would warn you to beware lest in appealing to the sympathy of others and going back over your past trials, you again err on the same points in seeking to build yourselves up. The Yahweh brings His erring children over the same ground again and again; but if they continually fail to heed the admonitions of His Spirit, if they fail to reform on every point where they have erred, He will finally leave them to their own weakness. {9T 182.1}
SELF: I entreat you, brethren, to come to Yahshua and drink; drink freely of the water of salvation. Do not appeal to your own feelings. Do not think that sentimentalism is religion. Shake yourself from every human prop and lean heavily upon Yahshua. You need a new fitting up before you are prepared to engage in the work of saving souls. Your words, your actions, have an influence upon others, and you must meet that influence in the day of Elohim. Yahshua says: “Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.” Revelation 3:8. Light is shining from that door, and it is our privilege to receive it if we will. Let us direct our eyes within that open door and try to receive all that Yahshua is willing to bestow. {9T 182.2}
SIN: Each one will have a close struggle to overcome sin in his own heart. This is at times a very painful and discouraging work; because, as we see the deformities in our character, we keep looking at them, when we should look to Yahshua and put on the robe of His righteousness. Everyone who enters the pearly gates of the city of Elohim will enter there, as a conqueror, and his greatest conquest will have been the conquest of self. {9T 182.3}
SIN: …Said the angel: “If light come, and that light is set aside or rejected, then comes condemnation and the frown of Elohim; but before the light comes, there is no sin, for there is no light for them to reject…” {1T 116.1}
SELF: When you realize the transforming influence of the power of Elohim upon your heart, it will be seen in your life. You have lacked a religious experience, but it is not too late for you now to seek Elohim with earnest, heartfelt cries: “What shall I do to be saved?” You can never be a true Christian until you are thoroughly converted. You have been a lover of pleasure more than a lover of Elohim. You have been seeking after pleasure, but have you found real enjoyment in this course? You have sought to make yourself agreeable to young, inexperienced girls. You have had your mind so much upon them that you could not direct it upward to Elohim and heaven. “Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double-minded.” This exhortation is applicable to you. You need to learn the ways, the will and works of Elohim. You need pure and undefiled religion; you need to cultivate devotional feelings. Cease to do evil, and learn to do well. The blessing of Elohim cannot rest upon you until you become more like Yahshua. {2T 289.1}
SELF: Oh, I beg of you who have so little interest in holy things, to closely investigate your own heart. What plea will you make before Elohim for your worldly, unconsecrated life? In that dread day you will have no plea to make. You will be speechless. Think, oh, think, in your pleasure-seeking hours, that all these things have an end. Did you have correct views of life, endless life with Elohim, how quickly would you turn from a life of pleasure and sin. How quickly would you change your mind, your course, and your company, and turn the strength of your affection to Elohim and heavenly things. How resolutely would you scorn to yield to temptations, which have deceived and captivated you. How zealous would be your efforts for the blessed life; how earnest and persevering your prayers to Elohim for His grace to abide upon you, for His power to sustain you and help you resist the devil. How diligent would you be to improve every religious privilege to learn the ways and will of Elohim. How careful would you be in meditating upon the law of Elohim, and in comparing your life with its claims. How fearful would you be lest you sin in word or deed, and how earnest to grow in grace and true holiness. Your conversation would not be on trifling things, but in heaven. Then glorious and eternal things would open before you, and you would not rest until you should increase more and more in spirituality, but earthly things claim your attention, and Elohim is forgotten. I implore you to face right about, and to seek the Yahweh, that He may be found of you; call upon Him while He is near. {2T 290.1}
SELF: Brother — fails to realize the sanctifying influence of the truth of Elohim upon the heart. He is not as patient, humble, and forbearing as he should be. He is easily stirred; self arises, and he says and does many things without due reflection. He does not at all times exert a saving influence. If he were imbued with the Spirit of Yahshua, he could with one hand take hold of the Mighty One, while with the hand of faith and love he would reach the poor sinner. Brother — needs the powerful influence of divine love; for this will renew and refine the heart, sanctify the life, and elevate and ennoble the entire man. Then his words and works will savor of heaven rather than of his own spirit. {3T 65.1}
SELF: If the words of eternal life are sown in the heart, fruit will be produced unto righteousness and peace. A spirit of self-sufficiency and self-importance must be overcome by you, my dear brother. You should cultivate a spirit that is willing to be instructed and counseled. Whatever others may say or do, you should say: What is that to me? Yahshua has bidden me follow Him. You should cultivate a spirit of meekness. You need an experience in genuine righteousness, and unless you have this, you cannot engage in the work of Elohim understandingly. Your spirit must soften and be subdued by being brought into obedience to the will of Yahshua. You should at all times maintain the lowly dignity of a follower of Yahshua. Our deportment, our words and actions, preach to others. We are living epistles, known and read of all men. {3T 65.2}
SIN: Elohim had specially guarded His people against mingling with the idolatrous nations around them, lest their hearts should be deceived by the attractive groves and shrines, temples and altars, which were arranged in the most expensive, alluring manner to pervert the senses so that Elohim would be supplanted in the minds of the people. {3T 263.2}
SIN: The city of Jericho was devoted to the most extravagant idolatry. The inhabitants were very wealthy, but all the riches that Elohim had given them they counted as the gift of their gods. They had gold and silver in abundance; but, like the people before the Flood, they were corrupt and blasphemous, and insulted and provoked the Elohim of heaven by their wicked works. Elohim’s judgments were awakened against Jericho. It was a stronghold. But the Captain of the Yahweh’s host Himself came from heaven to lead the armies of heaven in an attack upon the city. Angels of Elohim laid hold of the massive walls and brought them to the ground. Elohim had said that the city of Jericho should be accursed and that all should perish except Rahab and her household. These should be saved because of the favor that Rahab showed the messengers of the Yahweh. The word of the Yahweh to the people was: “And ye, in anywise keep yourselves from the accursed thing, lest ye make yourselves accursed, when ye take of the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it.” “And Joshua adjured them at that time, saying, Cursed be the man before the Yahweh, that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in his first-born, and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it.” {3T 264.1}
SIN: Elohim was very particular in regard to Jericho, lest the people should be charmed with the things that the inhabitants had worshiped and their hearts be diverted from Elohim. He guarded His people by most positive commands; yet notwithstanding the solemn injunction from Elohim by the mouth of Joshua, Achan ventured to transgress. His covetousness led him to take of the treasures that Elohim had forbidden him to touch because the curse of Elohim was upon them. And because of this man’s sin the Israel of Elohim were as weak as water before their enemies. {3T 264.2}
SIN: …In His dealings with His people in the past the Yahweh shows the necessity of purifying the congregation from wrongs. One sinner may diffuse darkness that will exclude the light of Elohim from the entire congregation. When the people realize that darkness is settling upon them, and they do not know the cause, they should seek Elohim earnestly, in great humility and self-abasement, until the wrongs which grieve His Spirit are searched out and put away. {3T 265.1}
SIN: The prejudice which has arisen against us because we have reproved the wrongs that Elohim has shown me existed, and the cry that has been raised of harshness and severity, are unjust. Elohim bids us speak, and we will not be silent. If wrongs are apparent among His people, and if the servants of Elohim pass on indifferent to them, they virtually sustain and justify the sinner, and are alike guilty and will just as surely receive the displeasure of Elohim; for they will be made responsible for the sins of the guilty. In vision I have been pointed to many instances where the displeasure of Elohim has been incurred by a neglect on the part of His servants to deal with the wrongs and sins existing among them. Those who have excused these wrongs have been thought by the people to be very amiable and lovely in disposition, simply because they shunned to discharge a plain Scriptural duty. The task was not agreeable to their feelings; therefore they avoided it. {3T 265.2}
SELF: The spirit of hatred which has existed with some because the wrongs among Elohim’s people have been reproved has brought blindness and a fearful deception upon their own souls, making it impossible for them to discriminate between right and wrong. They have put out their own spiritual eyesight. They may witness wrongs, but they do not feel as did Joshua and humble themselves because the danger of souls is felt by them. {3T 266.1}
SIN: The true people of Elohim, who have the spirit of the work of the Yahweh and the salvation of souls at heart, will ever view sin in its real, sinful character. They will always be on the side of faithful and plain dealing with sins, which easily beset the people of Elohim. Especially in the closing work for the congregation, in the sealing time of the one hundred and forty-four thousand who are to stand without fault before the throne of Elohim, will they feel most deeply the wrongs of Elohim’s professed people. This is forcibly set forth by the prophet’s illustration of the last work under the figure of the men each having a slaughter weapon in his hand. One man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer’s inkhorn by his side. “And the Yahweh said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.” {3T 266.2}
SIN: Who are standing in the counsel of Elohim at this time? Is it those who virtually excuse wrongs among the professed people of Elohim and who murmur in their hearts, if not openly, against those who would reprove sin? Is it those who take their stand against them and sympathize with those who commit wrong? No, indeed! Unless they repent, and leave the work of Satan in oppressing those who have the burden of the work and in holding up the hands of sinners in Zion, they will never receive the mark of Elohim’s sealing approval. They will fall in the general destruction of the wicked, represented by the work of the five men bearing slaughter weapons. Mark this point with care: Those who receive the pure mark of truth, wrought in them by the power of the Holy Ghost, represented by a mark by the man in linen, are those “that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done” in the congregation. Their love for purity and the honor and glory of Elohim is such, and they have so clear a view of the exceeding sinfulness of sin, that they are represented as being in agony, even sighing and crying. Read the ninth chapter of Ezekiel. {3T 267.1}
SIN: But the general slaughter of all those who do not thus see the wide contrast between sin and righteousness, and do not feel as those do who stand in the counsel of Elohim and receive the mark, is described in the order to the five men with slaughter weapons: “Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity: slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at My sanctuary.” {3T 267.2}
SIN: In the case of Achan’s sin Elohim said to Joshua: “Neither will I be with you any more, except ye destroy the accursed from among you.” How does this instance compare with the course pursued by those who will not raise their voice against sin and wrong, but whose sympathies are ever found with those who trouble the camp of Israel with their sins? Said Elohim to Joshua: “Thou canst not stand before thine enemies, until ye take away the accursed thing from among you.” He pronounced the punishment, which would follow the transgression of His covenant. {3T 267.3}
SIN: Never was there greater need of faithful warnings and reproofs, and close, straight dealing, than at this very time. Satan has come down with great power, knowing that his time is short. He is flooding the world with pleasing fables, and the people of Elohim love to have smooth things spoken to them. Sin and iniquity are not abhorred. I was shown that Elohim’s people must make more firm, determined efforts to press back the incoming darkness. The close work of the Spirit of Elohim is needed now as never before. Stupidity must be shaken off. We must arouse from the lethargy that will prove our destruction unless we resist it. Satan has a powerful, controlling influence upon minds. Preachers and people are in danger of being found upon the side of the powers of darkness. There is no such thing now as a neutral position. We are all decidedly for the right or decidedly with the wrong. Said Yahshua: “He that is not with Me is against Me; and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad.” {3T 327.3}
SIN: Those who have in the fear of Elohim ventured out to faithfully meet error and sin, calling sin by its right name, have discharged a disagreeable duty with much suffering of feelings to themselves; but they get the sympathy of but few and suffer the neglect of many. The sympathizers are on the wrong side, and they carry out the purposes of Satan to defeat the design of Elohim. {3T 328.2}
So to the apostle Paul, praying in the temple at Jerusalem, came the message, “Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles.” [ACTS 22:21.] So those who are called to unite with Yahshua must leave all in order to follow Him. Old associations must be broken up, plans of life relinquished, earthly hopes surrendered. In toil and tears, in solitude and through sacrifice, must the seed be sown. {GW 112.2}
Those who consecrate body, soul, and spirit to God, will constantly receive a new endowment of physical, mental, and spiritual power. The inexhaustible supplies of heaven are at their command. Yahshua gives them the breath of His own Spirit, the life of His own life. The Holy Spirit puts forth His highest energies to work in heart and mind. The grace of Elohim enlarges and multiplies their faculties, and every perfection of the divine nature comes to their assistance in the work of saving souls. Through co-operation with Yahshua, they are made complete in Him, and in their human weakness they are enabled to do the deeds of Omnipotence. {GW 112.3}
SELF: The Redeemer will not accept divided service. Daily the worker for Elohim must learn the meaning of self-surrender. He must study the word of Elohim, learning its meaning and obeying its precepts. Thus he may reach the standard of Christian excellence. Day by day Elohim works with him, perfecting the character that is to stand in the time of final test. And day-by-day the believer is working out before men and angels a sublime experiment, showing what the gospel can do for fallen human beings. {GW 113.1}
UNSELFISH: Today the Saviour calls us, as He called Matthew and John and Peter, to His work. If our hearts are touched by His love, the question of compensation will not be uppermost in our minds. We shall rejoice to be co-workers with Yahshua, and we shall not fear to trust His care. If we make Elohim our strength, we shall have clear perceptions of duty, and unselfish aspirations; our life will be actuated by a noble purpose, which will raise us above sordid motives. {GW 114.1}
SIN AND SELF: The time demands greater efficiency and deeper consecration. I cry to Elohim, Raise up and send forth messengers filled with a sense of their responsibility, men in whose hearts self-idolatry, which lies at the foundation of all sin, has been crucified; who are willing to consecrate themselves without reserve to Elohim’s service; whose souls are alive to the sacredness of the work and the responsibility of their calling; who are determined not to bring to Elohim a maimed sacrifice, which costs them neither effort nor prayer. {GW 114.3}
The Duke of Wellington was once present where a party of Christian men were discussing the possibility of success in missionary effort among the heathen. They appealed to the duke to say whether in his judgment such efforts were likely to prove a success commensurate to the cost. The old soldier replied: {GW 115.1}
“Gentlemen, what are your marching orders? Success is not the question for you to discuss. If I read your orders aright, they run thus, ‘Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.’ Gentlemen, obey your marching orders.” {GW 115.2}
Yahshua’s servants are grieved as they see true and false believers mingled in the congregation. They long to do something to cleanse the congregation. Like the servants of the householder, they are ready to uproot the tares. But Yahshua says to them, “Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest.” {COL 71.2}
Yahshua has plainly taught that those who persist in open sin must be separated from the congregation, but He has not committed to us the work of judging character and motive. He knows our nature too well to entrust this work to us. Should we try to uproot from the congregation those whom we suppose to be spurious Christians, we should be sure to make mistakes. Often we regard as hopeless subjects the very ones whom Yahshua is drawing to Himself. Were we to deal with these souls according to our imperfect judgment, it would perhaps extinguish their last hope. Many who think themselves Christians will at last be found wanting. Many will be in heaven who their neighbors supposed would never enter there. Man judges from appearance, but Elohim judges the heart. The tares and the wheat are to grow together until the harvest; and the harvest is the end of probationary time. {COL 71.3}

SIN: The woman had stood before Yahshua, cowering with fear. His words, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone,” had come to her as a death sentence. She dared not lift her eyes to the Saviour’s face, but silently awaited her doom. In astonishment she saw her accusers depart speechless and confounded; then those words of hope fell upon her ear, “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.” Her heart was melted, and she cast herself at the feet of Yahshua, sobbing out her grateful love, and with bitter tears confessing her sins. {DA 462.1}
This was to her the beginning of a new life, a life of purity and peace, devoted to the service of Elohim. In the uplifting of this fallen soul, Yahshua performed a greater miracle than in healing the most grievous physical disease; He cured the spiritual malady, which is unto death everlasting. This penitent woman became one of His most steadfast followers. With self-sacrificing love and devotion she repaid His forgiving mercy. {DA 462.2}
The Master is disappointed when His people place a low estimate upon themselves. He desires His chosen heritage to value themselves according to the price He has placed upon them. Elohim wanted them; else He would not have sent His Son on such an expensive errand to redeem them. He has a use for them, and He is well pleased when they make the very highest demands upon Him, that they may glorify His name. They may expect large things if they have faith in His promises. {DA 668.1}
SIN: But to pray in Yahshua’s name means much. It means that we are to accept His character, manifest His spirit, and work His works. The Saviour’s promise is given on condition. “If ye love Me,” He says, “keep My commandments.” He saves men, not in sin, but from sin; and those who love Him will show their love by obedience. {DA 668.2}
As Yahshua lived the law in humanity, so we may do if we will take hold of the Strong for strength. But we are not to place the responsibility of our duty upon others, and wait for them to tell us what to do. We cannot depend for counsel upon humanity. The Master will teach us our duty just as willingly as He will teach somebody else. If we come to Him in faith, He will speak His mysteries to us personally. Our hearts will often burn within us as One draws nigh to commune with us as He did with Enoch. Those who decide to do nothing in any line that will displease Elohim, will know, after presenting their case before Him, just what course to pursue. And they will receive not only wisdom, but also strength. Power for obedience, for service, will be imparted to them, as Yahshua has promised. Whatever was given to Yahshua –the “all things” to supply the need of fallen men–was given to Him as the head and representative of humanity. And “whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.” 1 John 3:22 {DA 668.4}
SELF AND SIN: Sanctification is not the work of a moment, an hour, a day, but of a lifetime. It is not gained by a happy flight of feeling, but is the result of constantly dying to sin, and constantly living for Yahshua. Wrongs cannot be righted nor reformations wrought in the character by feeble, intermittent efforts. It is only by long, persevering effort, sore discipline, and stern conflict that we shall overcome. We know not one day how strong will be our conflict the next. So long as Satan reigns, we shall have self to subdue, besetting sins to overcome; so long as life shall last, there will be no stopping place, no point which we can reach and say, I have fully attained. Sanctification is the result of lifelong obedience. {AA 560.3}
SIN: None of the apostles and prophets ever claimed to be without sin. Men who have lived the nearest to Elohim, men who would sacrifice life itself rather than knowingly commit a wrong act, men whom Elohim has honored with divine light and power, have confessed the sinfulness of their nature. They have put no confidence in the flesh, have claimed no righteousness of their own, but have trusted wholly in the righteousness of Yahshua. {AA 561.1}
So will it be with all who behold Yahshua. The nearer we come to Yahshua, and the more clearly we discern the purity of His character, the more clearly shall we see the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and the less shall we feel like exalting ourselves. There will be a continual reaching out of the soul after Elohim, a continual, earnest, heartbreaking confession of sin and humbling of the heart before Him. At every advance step in our Christian experience our repentance will deepen. We shall know that our sufficiency is in Yahshua alone and shall make the apostle’s confession our own: “I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing.” “Elohim forbid that I should glory, save in the crucifixion of our Master Yahshua Messiah, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” Romans 7:18; Galatians 6:14 {AA 561.2}
SIN AND SELF: Let the recording angels write the history of the holy struggles and conflicts of the people of Elohim; let them record their prayers and tears; but let not Elohim be dishonored by the declaration from human lips, “I am sinless; I am holy.” Sanctified lips will never give utterance to such presumptuous words. {AA 561.3}
SIN AND SELF: Let those who feel inclined to make a high profession of holiness look into the mirror of Elohim’s law. As they see its far-reaching claims, and understand its work as a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, they will not boast of sinlessness. “If we,” says John, not separating himself from his brethren, “say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” “If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.” “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:8, 10, 9 {AA 562.2}
SIN: Prayer is heaven’s ordained means of success in the conflict with sin and the development of Christian character. The divine influences that come in answer to the prayer of faith will accomplish in the soul of the suppliant all for which he pleads. For the pardon of sin, for the Holy Spirit, for a Yahshua like temper, for wisdom and strength to do His work, for any gift He has promised, we may ask; and the promise is, “Ye shall receive.” {AA 564.1}
SIN: Parents have not restrained the selfishness of their children. Self-indulgence has been the object of pursuit. Through self-serving, multitudes are bound in servitude to Satan. They are the slaves of their own impulses and passions, which are under the control of the wicked one. In calling them to His service, Elohim offers them freedom. Obedience to Elohim is liberty from the thralldom of sin, deliverance from human passion and impulse. {TM 247.1}
But we have to meet and contend with men who employ all their power in slandering those who are loyal to Elohim. Their wit and their Elohim-given reason are devoted to making it appear that obedience to the commandments of Elohim is an irksome service. But those who advocate the claims of the law of Elohim testify, “Great peace have they which love Thy law: and nothing shall offend them.” “The law of the Yahweh is perfect, converting the soul.” The Yahweh presents truth in contrast with error, and presents also the sure result of accepting truth, the experience that always follows willing obedience. It is peace and rest. {TM 247.2}
Fine perceptions, nobility of soul, are to be cherished; the spirit of truth and righteousness is to control our deportment, our words, and our pens. “The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of Elohim: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” If the minister when before his congregation sees a disbelieving smile upon the faces of opponents, let him be as one who sees not. If any should be so impolite as to laugh and sneer, let not the minister, by voice or attitude, reflect the same spirit. Show that you handle no such weapons. The pen so often traces words that are sharp, and by repeating the statements of the advocates of error, our brethren sometimes give currency to the error. This is a mistake. Let your pen trace advanced truth. {TM 248.1}
The Holy Spirit does not work with men who love to be sharp and critical. That spirit has been cherished in meeting debaters, and some have formed the habit of squaring for combat. Elohim is dishonored in this. Keep back the sharp thrusts; do not learn in Satan’s school his methods of warfare. The Holy Spirit does not inspire the words of censure. A time of trouble is before us, and every honest soul who has not had the light of truth will then take a stand for Yahshua. Those who believe the truth are to be newly converted every day. Then they will be vessels unto honor. {TM 248.2}
Do not repeat the words of your opponents, or enter into controversy with them. You meet not merely the men, but Satan and his angels. Yahshua did not bring against Satan a railing accusation concerning the body of Moses. If the world’s Redeemer, who understood the crooked, deceptive arts of Satan, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but in holiness and humility said, “The Yahweh rebuke thee, O Satan,” is it not wise for His servants to follow His example? Will finite human beings take a course that Yahshua shunned because it would afford Satan occasion to pervert, misrepresent, and falsify the truth? {TM 249.1}
Let those who hate the law of the Yahweh rave and pour out their anathemas against such as have moral courage to receive and live the truth. The Yahweh is our strength. It is safe for us not to build up self, but to let the Yahweh work His will in and by and through us. Let us preserve a contrite, humble spirit, which the Yahweh will revive. {TM 250.1}
Self-esteem and self-flattery will be sure to stir up in the heart resentment against any who venture to question one’s course of action. Everything like counsel or advice is resented with indignation as a design to bruise and wound. This spirit cherished will lead to numerous evils. None will venture to tell you when you err, because the faithful one would be regarded as an enemy. Thus the kindness that should exist between brethren in the faith is killed because of the jealous interpretation put upon the Elohim -fearing cautions given. Undue stress is laid upon words; imagination exaggerates the matter and creates alienation. {TM 250.2}
Nevertheless we must not suffer wrong upon a brother. Self-sufficiency must be overcome. Love of applause must be seen as a snare. There is always danger of making grave blunders through conceit of our own wisdom and qualifications. Let these qualifications reveal their true value, and they will be appreciated. {TM 250.3}
The great advantage of the ministerial institutes is not half appreciated. They are rich in opportunities, but do not accomplish half what they should because those who attend them do not practice the truth which is presented before them in clear lines. Many who are explaining the Scriptures to others have not conscientiously and entirely surrendered mind and heart and life to the control of the Holy Spirit. They love sin and cling to it. I have been shown that impure practices, pride, selfishness, self-glorying, have closed the door of the heart even of those who teach the truth to others, so that the frown of Elohim is upon them. Cannot some renovating power take hold of them? Have they fallen a prey to a moral disease, which is incurable because they themselves refuse to be cured? Oh, that everyone who labors in word and doctrine would heed the words of Paul, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of Elohim, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto Elohim, which is your reasonable service.” {TM 160.3}
May the Yahweh work upon the hearts of those who have received great light that they may depart from all iniquity. Behold the Man of Calvary. There is Yahshua, who gave His life, not that men might continue in sin, not that they may have license to break the law of Elohim, but that through this infinite sacrifice they may be saved from all sin. Said Yahshua, “I sanctify Myself, that they also might be sanctified,” by the perfection of His example. Will those who preach the truth to others be sanctified by the truth themselves? Will they love the Master with heart and mind and soul, and their neighbor as themselves? Will they meet the highest standard of Christian character? Are their tastes elevated, their appetites controlled? Are they cherishing only noble sentiments, strong, deep sympathy, and pure purposes, that they may indeed be laborers together with Elohim? We must have the Holy Spirit to sustain us in the conflict; “for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

It is a sacred work in which we are engaged. The apostle Paul exhorts his brethren: “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of Elohim.” It is a sacred duty that we owe to Elohim to keep the spirit pure, as a temple for the Holy Ghost. If the heart and mind are devoted to the service of Elohim, obeying all His commandments, loving Him with all the heart, might, mind, and strength, and our neighbor as ourselves, we shall be found loyal and true to the requirements of heaven. {4T 33.1}
SIN: Again the apostle says: “Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.” He also urges his brethren to earnest diligence and steady perseverance in their efforts for purity and holiness of life, in these words: “And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.” {4T 33.2}
SELF AND SIN: Paul presents before us the spiritual warfare and its reward, in contrast with the various games instituted among the heathen in honor of their Elohims. Young men who were trained for these games practiced close self-denial and the most severe discipline. Every indulgence which would have a tendency to weaken physical power was forbidden. Those who submitted to the training process were not allowed wine or luxurious food, for these would debilitate instead of increasing personal vigor, healthful activity, fortitude, and firmness. Many witnesses, kings and nobles, were present on these occasions. It was considered the highest honor to gain a simple chaplet, which would fade in a few short hours. But after the competitors for this perishable crown had exercised severe abstemiousness and submitted to rigid discipline in order to obtain personal vigor and activity with the hope of becoming victors, even then they were not sure of the prize. The prize could be awarded to but one. Some might labor fully as hard as others, and put forth their utmost powers to gain the crowning honor; but as they reached forth the hand to secure the prize, another, an instant before them, might grasp the coveted treasure. {4T 33.3}
This is not the case in the Christian warfare. All may run this race, and may be sure of victory and immortal honor if they submit to the conditions. Says Paul: “So run, that ye may obtain.” He then explains the conditions, which are necessary for them to observe in order to be successful: “And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things.” {4T 34.1}
SELF: If heathen men, who were not controlled by enlightened conscience, who had not the fear of Elohim before them, would submit to deprivation and the discipline of training, denying themselves of every weakening indulgence merely for a wreath of perishable substance and the applause of the multitude, how much more should they who are running the Christian race in the hope of immortality and the approval of High Heaven, be willing to deny themselves unhealthy stimulants and indulgences, which degrade the morals, enfeeble the intellect, and bring the higher powers into subjection to the animal appetites and passions. {4T 34.2}
Multitudes in the world are witnessing this game of life, the Christian warfare. And this is not all. The Monarch of the universe and the myriads of heavenly angels are spectators of this race; they are anxiously watching to see who will be successful overcomers and win the crown of glory that fadeth not away. With intense interest Elohim and heavenly angels mark the self-denial, the self-sacrifice, and the agonizing efforts of those who engage to run the Christian race. The reward given to every man will be in accordance with the persevering energy and faithful earnestness with which he performs his part in the great contest. {4T 34.3}
Elohim requires prompt and unquestioning obedience of His law; but men are asleep or paralyzed by the deceptions of Satan, who suggests excuses and subterfuges, and conquers their scruples, saying as he said to Eve in the garden: “Ye shall not surely die.” Disobedience not only hardens the heart and conscience of the guilty one, but it tends to corrupt the faith of others. That which looked very wrong to them at first, gradually loses this appearance by being constantly before them, till finally they question whether it is really sin and unconsciously fall into the same error. {4T 146.1}
SIN: The precious time of probation is passing, and few realize that it is given them for the purpose of preparing for eternity. The golden hours are squandered in worldly pursuits, in pleasure, in absolute sin. Elohim’s law is slighted and forgotten; yet every statute is nonetheless binding. Every transgression will bring its punishment. Love of worldly gain leads to desecration of the Sabbath, yet the claims of that Holy Day are not abrogated or lessened. Elohim’s command is clear and unquestionable on this point; He has peremptorily forbidden us to labor upon the seventh day. He has set it apart as a day sanctified to Himself. {4T 147.2}
SELF: In ancient times Elohim spoke to men by the mouth of prophets and apostles. In these days He speaks to them by the testimonies of His Spirit. There was never a time when Elohim instructed His people more earnestly than He instructs them now concerning His will and the course that He would have them pursue. But will they profit by His teachings? Will they receive His reproofs and heed His warnings? Elohim will accept of no partial obedience; He will sanction no compromise with self. {4T 147.4}

The Scripture condemns in the strongest terms all falsehood, false dealing, and dishonesty. Right and wrong are plainly stated. But I was shown that Elohim’s people have placed themselves on the enemy’s ground; they have yielded to his temptations and followed his devices until their sensibilities have become fearfully blunted. A slight deviation from truth, a little variation from the requirements of Elohim, is thought to be, after all, not so very sinful, when pecuniary gain or loss is involved. But sin is sin, whether committed by the possessor of millions or by the beggar in the streets. Those who secure property by false representations are bringing condemnation on their souls. All that is obtained by deceit and fraud will be only a curse to the receiver. {4T 311.3}
Adam and Eve suffered the terrible consequences of disobeying the express command of Elohim. They might have reasoned: This is a very small sin, and will never be taken into account. But Elohim treated the matter as a fearful evil, and the woe of their transgression will be felt through all time. In the times in which we live, sins of far greater magnitude are often committed by those who profess to be Elohim’s children. In the transaction of business, falsehoods are uttered and acted by Elohim’s professed people that bring His frown upon them and a reproach upon His cause. The least departure from truthfulness and rectitude is a transgression of the law of Elohim. Continual indulgence in sin accustoms the person to a habit of wrongdoing, but does not lessen the aggravated character of the sin. Elohim has established immutable principles, which He cannot change without a revision of His whole nature. If the word of Elohim were faithfully studied by all who profess to believe the truth, they would not be dwarfs in spiritual things. Those who disregard the requirements of Elohim in this life would not respect His authority were they in heaven. {4T 311.4}
SELF AND SIN: Disappointed in his hopes of wealth and promotion, in disfavor with the king, and conscious that he had incurred the displeasure of Elohim, Balaam returned from his self-chosen mission. After he had reached his home the controlling power of the Spirit of Elohim left him, and his covetousness, which had been merely held in check, prevailed. He was ready to resort to any means to gain the reward promised by Balak. Balaam knew that the prosperity of Israel depended upon their obedience to Elohim, and that there was no way to cause their overthrow but by seducing them into sin. He now decided to secure Balak’s favor by advising the Moabites of the course to be pursued to bring a curse upon Israel. {PP 451.3}
He immediately returned to the land of Moab and laid his plans before the king. The Moabites themselves were convinced that so long as Israel remained true to Elohim, He would be their shield. The plan proposed by Balaam was to separate them from Elohim by enticing them into idolatry. If they could be led to engage in the licentious worship of Baal and Ashtaroth, their omnipotent Protector would become their enemy, and they would soon fall a prey to the fierce, warlike nations around them. This plan was readily accepted by the king, and Balaam himself remained to assist in carrying it into effect. {PP 451.4}
SIN: Balaam witnessed the success of his diabolical scheme. He saw the curse of Elohim visited upon His people, and thousands falling under His judgments; but the Divine Justice that punished sin in Israel did not permit the tempters to escape. In the war of Israel against the Midianites, Balaam was slain. He had felt a presentiment that his own end was near when he exclaimed, “Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his!” But he had not chosen to live the life of the righteous, and his destiny was fixed with the enemies of Elohim. {PP 451.5}
SIN AND SELF: The fate of Balaam was similar to that of Judas, and their characters bear a marked resemblance to each other. Both these men tried to unite the service of Elohim and mammon, and met with signal failure. Balaam acknowledged the true Elohim, and professed to serve Him; Judas believed in Yahshua as the Messiah, and united with His followers. But Balaam hoped to make the service of Yahweh the steppingstone to the acquirement of riches and worldly honor; and failing in this he stumbled and fell and was broken. Judas expected by his connection with Yahshua to secure wealth and promotion in that worldly kingdom which, as he believed, the Messiah was about to set up. The failure of his hopes drove him to apostasy and ruin. Both Balaam and Judas had received great light and enjoyed special privileges, but a single cherished sin poisoned the entire character and caused their destruction. {PP 452.1}
SIN: It is a perilous thing to allow an unchristian trait to live in the heart. One cherished sin will, little by little, debase the character, bringing all its nobler powers into subjection to the evil desire. The removal of one safeguard from the conscience, the indulgence of one evil habit, one neglect of the high claims of duty, breaks down the defenses of the soul and opens the way for Satan to come in and lead us astray. The only safe course is to let our prayers go forth daily from a sincere heart, as did David, “Hold up my goings in Thy paths, that my footsteps slip not.” Psalm 17:5. {PP 452.2}
SELF: Yahshua’s interests and those of His followers should be one; but the world would judge that they are separate and distinct, for those who claim to be Yahshua’s pursue their own ends as eagerly, and waste their substance as selfishly, as nonprofessors. Worldly prosperity comes first; nothing is made equal to this. The cause of Yahshua must wait till they gather a certain portion for themselves. They must increase their gains at all hazards. Souls must perish without a knowledge of the truth. Of what value is a soul for whom Yahshua died in comparison with their gains, their merchandise, their houses and lands? Souls must wait till they get prepared to do something. Elohim calls these servers of Mammon slothful and unfaithful servants, but Mammon boasts of them as among his most diligent and devoted servants. They sacrifice their Master’s goods to ease and enjoyment. Self is their idol. {5T 204.3}
SELF: Doing nothing to bring souls to Yahshua, who sacrificed everything to bring salvation within our reach! Selfishness is driving benevolence and the love of Yahshua from the congregation.
Suppose Yahshua should abide in every heart and selfishness in all its forms should be banished from the congregation, what would be the result? Harmony, unity, and brotherly love would be seen as verily as in the congregation, which Yahshua first established. Christian activity would be seen everywhere. The whole congregation would be kindled into a sacrificial flame for the glory of Elohim. Every Christian would cast in the fruit of his self-denial to be consumed upon the altar. There would be far greater activity in devising fresh methods of usefulness and in studying how to come close to poor sinners to save them from eternal ruin. {5T 206.1}
SIN AND SELF: As we near the close of earth’s history, perils and dangers thicken around us. A mere profession of righteousness will not avail. There must be a living connection with Elohim that we may have spiritual eyesight to discern the wickedness, which is in a most artful and secret manner creeping into our midst through those who make a profession of our faith. The greatest sins are brought in through those who profess to be sanctified and claim that they cannot sin. Yet many of this class are sinning daily and are corrupt in heart and life. Such are self-sufficient and self-righteous, making their own standard of righteousness and utterly failing to meet the Scripture standard. Notwithstanding their high claims, they are strangers to the covenant of promise. It is in great mercy that Elohim bears with their perversity and that they are not cut down as cumberers of the ground, but still remain within the possibilities of forgiveness. The forbearance of Elohim is continually presumed upon and His mercy abused. David in his day thought that men had exceeded the boundaries of the long-suffering of Elohim, and that He must interfere to vindicate His honor and restrain unrighteousness. {5T 139.1}
SIN: The people of Elohim have been in many respects very faulty. Satan has an accurate knowledge of the sins which he has tempted them to commit, and he presents these in the most exaggerated light, declaring: “Will Elohim banish me and my angels from His presence, and yet reward those who have been guilty of the same sins? Thou canst not do this, O Yahweh, in justice. Thy throne will not stand in righteousness and judgment. Justice demands that sentence be pronounced against them.” {5T 474.1}
But while the followers of Yahshua have sinned, they have not given themselves to the control of evil. They have put away their sins, and have sought the Yahweh in humility and contrition, and the divine Advocate pleads in their behalf. He who has been most abused by their ingratitude, who knows their sin, and also their repentance, declares: “‘The Yahweh rebuke thee, O Satan.’ I gave My life for these souls. They are graven upon the palms of My hands.” {5T 474.2}
Transformation of character is to be the testimony to the world of the indwelling love of Yahshua. The Yahweh expects His people to show that the redeeming power of grace can work upon the faulty character and cause it to develop in symmetry and abundant fruitfulness. {6T 43.1}
SELF: But in order for us to fulfill Elohim’s purpose, there is a preparatory work to be done. The Yahweh bids us empty our hearts of the selfishness, which is the root of alienation. He longs to pour upon us His Holy Spirit in rich measure, and He bids us clear the way by self-renunciation. When self is surrendered to Elohim, our eyes will be opened to see the stumbling stones, which our unrighteousness has placed in the way of others. All these Elohim bids us remove. He says: “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.” James 5:16. Then we may have the assurance that David had when, after confession of his sin, he prayed: “Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation; and uphold me with Thy free Spirit. Then will I teach transgressors Thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto Thee.” Psalm 51:12, 13. {6T 43.2}
When the grace of Elohim reigns within, the soul will be surrounded with an atmosphere of faith and courage and Yahshua like love, an atmosphere invigorating to the spiritual life of all who inhale it. Then we can go to the camp meeting not merely to receive, but to impart. Everyone who is a partaker of Yahshua’s pardoning love, everyone who has been enlightened by the Spirit of Elohim and converted to the truth, will feel that for these precious blessings he owes a debt to every soul with whom he comes in contact. Those who are humble in heart the Yahweh will use to reach souls whom the ordained ministers cannot approach. They will be moved to speak words, which reveal the saving grace of Yahshua. {6T 43.3}
And in blessing others they will themselves be blessed. Elohim gives us opportunity to impart grace, that He may refill us with increased grace. Hope and faith will strengthen as the agent for Elohim works with the talents and facilities that Elohim has provided. He will have a divine agency to work with him. {6T 43.4}
Those who would share the benefits of the Saviour’s mediation should permit nothing to interfere with their duty to perfect holiness in the fear of Elohim. The precious hours, instead of being given to pleasure, to display, or to gain seeking, should be devoted to an earnest, prayerful study of the Word of truth. The subject of the sanctuary and the investigative Judgment should be clearly understood by the people of Elohim. All need a knowledge for themselves of the position and work of their great High Priest. Otherwise, it will be impossible for them to exercise the faith, which is essential at this time, or to occupy the position, which Elohim designs them to fill. Every individual has a soul to save or to lose. Each has a case pending at the bar of Elohim. Each must meet the great Judge face to face. How important, then, that every mind contemplate often the solemn scene when the Judgment shall sit and the books shall be opened, when, with Daniel, every individual must stand in his lot, at the end of the days. {GC88 488.2}
All who have received the light upon these subjects are to bear testimony of the great truths, which Elohim has committed to them. The sanctuary in Heaven is the very center of Yahshua’s work in behalf of men. It concerns every soul living upon the earth. It opens to view the plan of redemption, bringing us down to the very close of time, and revealing the triumphant issue of the contest between righteousness and sin. It is of the utmost importance that all should thoroughly investigate these subjects, and be able to give an answer to every one that asketh them a reason of the hope that is in them. {GC88 488.3}
The intercession of Yahshua in man’s behalf in the sanctuary above is as essential to the plan of salvation as was his death upon the cross. By his death he began that work which after his resurrection he ascended to complete in Heaven. We must by faith enter within the veil, “whither the forerunner is for us entered.” [HEB. 6:20.] There the light from the cross of Calvary is reflected. There we may gain a clearer insight into the mysteries of redemption. The salvation of man is accomplished at an infinite expense to Heaven; the sacrifice made is equal to the broadest demands of the broken law of Elohim. Yahshua has opened the way to the Father’s throne, and through his mediation the sincere desire of all who come to him in faith may be presented before Elohim. {GC88 489.1}
“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” [PROV. 28:13.] If those who hide and excuse their faults could see how Satan exults over them, how he taunts Yahshua and holy angels with their course, they would make haste to confess their sins and to put them away. Through defects in the character, Satan works to gain control of the whole mind, and he knows that if these defects are cherished, he will succeed. Therefore he is constantly seeking to deceive the followers of Yahshua with his fatal sophistry that it is impossible for them to overcome. But Yahshua pleads in their behalf his wounded hands, his bruised body; and he declares to all who would follow him, “My grace is sufficient for thee.” [2 COR. 12:9.] “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” [MATT. 11:29, 30.] Let none, then, regard their defects as incurable. Elohim will give faith and grace to overcome them. {GC88 489.2}
We are now living in the great Day of Atonement. In the typical service, while the high priest was making the atonement for Israel, all were required to afflict their souls by repentance of sin and humiliation before the Yahweh, lest they be cut off from among the people. In like manner, all who would have their names retained in the book of life, should now, in the few remaining days of their probation, afflict their souls before Elohim by sorrow for sin, and true repentance. There must be deep, faithful searching of heart. The light, frivolous spirit indulged by so many of professed Christians must be put away. There is earnest warfare before all who would subdue the evil tendencies that strive for the mastery. The work of preparation is an individual work. We are not saved in groups. The purity and devotion of one will not offset the want of these qualities in another. Though all nations are to pass in judgment before Elohim, yet he will examine the case of each individual with as close and searching scrutiny as if there were not another being upon the earth. Every one must be tested, and found without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. {GC88 490.1}
Solemn are the scenes connected with the closing work of the atonement. Momentous are the interests involved therein. The Judgment is now passing in the sanctuary above. For more than forty years this work has been in progress. Soon–none know how soon–it will pass to the cases of the living. In the awful presence of Elohim our lives are to come up in review. At this time above all others it behooves every soul to heed the Saviour’s admonition, “Watch and pray; for ye know not when the time is.” [MARK 13:33.] “If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.” [REV. 3:3.] {GC88 490.2}
When the work of the investigative Judgment closes, the destiny of all will have been decided for life or death. Probation is ended a short time before the appearing of the Yahweh in the clouds of heaven. Yahshua in the Revelation, looking forward to that time, declares: “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still; and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” [REV. 22:11, 12.] {GC88 491.1}
The righteous and the wicked will still be living upon the earth in their mortal state–men will be planting and building, eating and drinking, all unconscious that the final, irrevocable decision has been pronounced in the sanctuary above. Before the flood, after Noah entered the ark, Elohim shut him in, and shut the wicked out; but for seven days the people, knowing not that their doom was fixed, continued their careless, pleasure-loving life, and mocked the warnings of impending judgment. “So,” says the Saviour, “shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” [MATT. 24:39.] Silently, unnoticed as the midnight thief, will come the decisive hour which marks the fixing of every man’s destiny, the final withdrawal of mercy’s offer to guilty men. {GC88 491.2}
“Watch ye therefore; . . . lest coming suddenly He find you sleeping.” [MARK 13:35, 36.] Perilous is the condition of those who, growing weary of their watch, turn to the attractions of the world. While the man of business is absorbed in the pursuit of gain, while the pleasure-lover is seeking indulgence, while the daughter of fashion is arranging her adornments,–it may be in that hour the Judge of all the earth will pronounce the sentence, “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.” [DAN. 5:27.] {GC88 491.3}
In this age of corruption when our adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour, I see the necessity of lifting my voice in warning. “Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.” There are many who possess brilliant talents who wickedly devote them to the service of Satan. What warning can I give to a people who profess to have come out from the world and to have left its works of darkness? to a people whom Elohim has made the repositories of His law, but who, like the pretentious fig tree, flaunt their apparently flourishing branches in the very face of the Almighty, yet bear no fruit to the glory of Elohim? Many of them cherish impure thoughts, unholy imaginations, unsanctified desires, and base passions. Elohim hates the fruit borne upon such a tree. Angels, pure and holy, look upon the course of such with abhorrence, while Satan exults. Oh, that men and women would consider what is to be gained by transgressing Elohim’s law! Under any and every circumstance, transgression is a dishonor to Elohim and a curse to man. We must regard it thus, however fair its guise, and by whomsoever committed. {5T 146.1}
As Yahshua’s ambassador, I entreat you who profess present truth to promptly resent any approach to impurity and forsake the society of those who breathe an impure suggestion. Loathe these defiling sins with the most intense hatred. Flee from those who would, even in conversation, let the mind run in such a channel; “for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” {5T 146.2}
As those who practice these defiling sins are steadily increasing in the world and would intrude themselves into our congregations, I warn you to give no place to them. Turn from the seducer. Though a professed follower of Yahshua, he is Satan in the form of man; he has borrowed the livery of heaven that he may the better serve his master. You should not for one moment give place to an impure, covert suggestion; for even this will stain the soul, as impure water defiles the channel through which it passes. {5T 146.3}
SIN: Choose poverty, reproach, and separation from friends, or any suffering rather than to defile the soul with sin. Death before dishonor or the transgression of Elohim’s law should be the motto of every Christian. As a people professing to be reformers, treasuring the most solemn, purifying truths of Elohim’s word, we must elevate the standard far higher than it is at the present time. Sin and sinners in the congregation must be promptly dealt with, that others may not be contaminated. Truth and purity require that we make more thorough work to cleanse the camp from Achans. Let those in responsible positions not suffer sin in a brother. Show him that he must either put away his sins or be separated from the congregation. {5T 147.1}

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